Yes, yes, I know I have works to do... my thesis, a software, a writing.. aarrhhh.. I don't care, I still wanna write about swing cards and me now! I don't care! Muahahaha...!!!
I was searching images via Google to add more impact in a blog I write (the blog is.. eerr.. it is secret hahaha). While searching, "I like you", this is what I found ;
I was searching images via Google to add more impact in a blog I write (the blog is.. eerr.. it is secret hahaha). While searching, "I like you", this is what I found ;
and the image led me to a blog, It is a handmade paper craft called quilling. Then, I spent hours from link to link, to see beautiful paper crafts, and how to make them. That make me feel like, I want to try quilling one day! Next time I will write about quiling, but now, swing card first. I then ended up to a blog that make handmade card as business and saw a number of her swing cards. Here is her first swing card and I love it!
Do you want to see my first swing card? Taadaaa....!!!!
You have no idea how many papers I wasted to make this first swing card. The problem was, I don't like (or bad) in Math, I failed to have a precise measurement. I only made it by try and error. Followed my heart :P. It was for my ex-housemate, Vineela, when I stayed in Durham, NC, USA.
Then followed by my 2nd swing card, with less papers wasted, I made for another ex-housemate, Poorna. ;

and one of convocation cards I made;
Yes, I know, my cards not so pretty or have a lot of expensive accessories, but I made with love, okay... hehehe... and usually, doing them at very last minute..
Above some cards I made, swing card to be specific (the silver, black and pink ones), displayed on the dinner tables for last Installation Night 2013 for Toastmasters Clubs in Area A4. Thank you QJ, the organizing chair for trusting me and making me feel happy with this task. And thank you Melvin for helping me finishing all cards.
Trust me, I still have no formula for the measurement of a swing card,
try and error method is the best way that I love.
Okay, I have to go, wanna make a card for my mum, combining swing card and first trial of quilling.. Daaa....!
Okay, I have to go, wanna make a card for my mum, combining swing card and first trial of quilling.. Daaa....!