Thursday, February 16, 2012

Terharu Nak Peluk Abang France (Bahagian 2/2)

Balik dari mesyuarat, aku dan abang tu masuk bilik. Bilik di jabatan lah! Kami buka pintu luas-luas hahaha... Tiba-tiba seorang ahli kumpulan penyelidikan datang, tanya cara eja nama aku. Sebab dia nak letak dekat emel ke, website ke, aku pun tak faham. Yang penting, ada ayat dia, "... so u will not feel uncomfortable giving presentation to us.. will get used.." 

Aku dengar tanpa perasaan. Tapi tiba-tiba abang France itu sampuk, "Hey, what do you mean by she will feel uncomfortable.. will get used.. of course she is.."

Tiba-tiba, selang 1 minit, lepas dia tahu cara eja nama aku, aku mengalami saat kehidupan yang amat disayangi dan dikasihi untuk hari semalam. Abang France itu cakap, tiba-tiba,

    "Ain, don't feel stressed.. or panic.. the presentation is something that will be very good for you.. when I first came here, I also need to do my presentation and I improve a lot.."

Aku terus dengar. Dia pandang papan kekunci semasa cakap dengan aku, serba salah rupanya.

    "How to say.. hurm.. yea, Dan is a.. hurm.. if he say, no! you are wrong..! Please don't take it as.. hurm.. as he doesn't like you.. He is like that.. He doesn't mean to hurt you.. He's only telling you his opinion which.. hurm.. if u think positively, he wants to help you.. Hurm.. "

Dan ialah profesor kami, Professor Dan. Berulang-ulang kali dia tarik dan hembus nafas kuat-kuat.. Macam doktor nak sahkan aku kena sakit kanser.

"When you do your presentation, you must present confidently and open to be.. hurm... "
"Yeah, yeah.. comments.. and.. hurm.. criticized..."
"Owh.. yeah, I understand.." aku dengan gaya pendengar yang baik.
"They are good.. all people here maybe will ask you why you think it is interesting.. etc etc.. yeah, I used to be criticized.. I am not good also.. but I think it positively.. you also can.. you will find yourself improve a lot.."

Kalaulah dia kakak, aku dah bangun terus peluk dia. Aku terharu!

Tiba-tiba dia berubah. 

"Owh, I am sorry, I talked to much.. You are good already, you are already aware with that.. Huh, why I talked all this..."
"No, no.. it is not like that.. thank you.. yeah.."
Aku mula fikir ayat supaya dia tak rasa bersalah sebab fikir aku panik. Sebab aku memang panik! Dan, aku sangat menghargai kata-kata dia.
"I feel like.." okaylah, aku jujur je la..
"I feel worry, how if they think that what I am doing is not good enough for their PhD level..."
Lepas tu.. haaa.. hamik.. lebih banyak 'kasih sayang' dia curahkan.. dengan macam-macam kata-kata semangat. Tak nak bagitahu semua.. Abang France itu ucap untuk aku seorang! Muahaha...!

Go Ain go!! Fight your cold ("Symptoms include a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and fever which usually resolve in seven to ten days, with some symptoms lasting up to three weeks"-Wikipedia). And study harder, Ain! Be prepared!

I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive
Jom nyanyi!

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